County School
Back to School Appeal
Back To School is an appeal for funds to upgrade the facilities
at County School station, preparing it for its role as the northern
terminus of the line, and see the railway between the station
and North Elmham, where it meets the rest of the MNR,
restored to operational condition.
The first phase of the appeal seeks to raise £30,000 to:
move a dining carriage to the station from Dereham to replace the existing Tea Room
complete a basic restoration of the first quarter of mile of the formation and track south of the station
complete improvement works on the footpath running beside the line
Donations can be made through the following means:
If you would like to contribute, there are several ways to donate:
Donate Online - Make a donation using your debit or credit card here.
In-Person Donations - Visit our ticket offices at Dereham or Wymondham Stations on operating days to donate directly.
Bank Transfer (BACS):
Account Name: MNRPT
Account Number: 52109003
Sort Code: 60-07-47
Reference: Back to School
Postal Donations
Payable to: MNRPT, Back to School
Post to: The Mid-Norfolk Railway, Railway Station, Station Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1DF.
Legacy Giving
Consider naming the Mid-Norfolk Railway Preservation Trust as a beneficiary in your will to leave a lasting legacy.
Charity Information
Registered Name: The Mid-Norfolk Railway Preservation Trust
Registered Office: The Railway Station, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1DF
Registered Charity Number: 1046931
Progress Bar - Target £30,000
of the way there
raised so far